What's In This Course?

This course teaches techniques for sharing business goals and communicating ideas for new features, without the technical details. You will learn the key principles of ATDD and BDD and how to use these techniques as part of a multi-disciplinary approach to software development, where you can contribute your views and expertise, using a shared non-technical language.

  • What is Acceptance Testing?

  • How do we implement it across our organisation?

  • What tools and techniques are effective?

  • How we can avoid the common pitfalls which lead to tests that are difficult, fragile, slow and prone to intermittent failure

  • The scope of Acceptance Testing and Test Strategy

Learn from the Expert

Dave Farley, one of the pioneers of Acceptance Testing, shares his Expertise, Teachings and Advice with YOU in Video Lessons, Worksheets and Demos, to Study at Your Convenience.

Course Objectives:

* To understand the principles and processes of an Acceptance Test driven approach to software development

* To learn team-work techniques that overcome the communications gap between 'the business' and 'the dev team'

* To learn how to create better, more outcome-focussed requirements

* To support the creation and maintenance of “Executable Specifications” that are not compromised by changes in the system under test.

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome! from Dave Farley

    2. About This Course

    3. My Learning Objectives

    1. Why Acceptance Test?

    2. What is Acceptance Testing

    3. Teamwork & Communications

    4. BDD - Defining the Behaviour of the System

    5. Exercise - Specifications Without Implementation Detail

    6. BDD - It's All About Behaviour

    7. Event Storming - Understanding Your Problem

    8. Capturing & Translating Requirements

    9. Specification by Example

    10. Review Your Learning - 1. Stories, Examples and Specifications

    1. Properties of Good Acceptance Tests

    2. Test First

    3. The Scope of Acceptance Tests

    4. Effective Test Strategy

    5. Review Your Learning - 2. Acceptance Testing

    1. Congratulations!

    2. My Feedback

    3. References, Links and Recommendations

About this course

  • £299.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Interested in a Group Booking?

Our "Understanding Acceptance Testing" Course is available to book for a Team, or Group of students.

Contact Us -  courses@continuous-delivery.co.uk 
to discuss Your Requirements and Get a Quote.

What Our Students Are saying

  • Great Course!

    “It has given me a lot of new knowledge about Acceptance Testing best practices and it was my intro to Test Strategy. Which, I'm sure, will help me with organizing Delivery at my job. Thanks Dave!”

  • Engaging and informative!

    “No part of this training was boring or hard to follow. The explanations and examples were clear. Terrific!”

  • Beautiful Course with Additional Resources

    "This course was such a joy to go through. It was full of new concepts related to software design and delivery that enormously expanded my horizons."
