Get 40% off all courses AND our 2-course bundles, and you could save up to £700!
Use this code at the checkout: CD-CyberMonday-40

Bundle Deals
Deployment Pipelines & TDD Master Class
BundleFor Technologists creating Build Infrastructure and directly involved in the Production of Software. Buy 2 courses and save £230. Explore In-Depth: Each Stage of a Deployment Pipeline, How to Write Great Tests, and How Tests Improve Design.
Total Testing Programme
BundleSave £250, when you buy this comprehensive programme comprising all things TDD, ATDD and BDD, by pioneer and expert Dave Farley.
Better Software Faster with CD Pipelines
BundleSave £50 when you buy these 2 courses: Learn the fundamentals of Continuous Delivery and how to construct a Deployment Pipeline, automate testing and develop Better Software Faster. Ideal for junior devs and to brush up on your CD skills.