Course Description

In this course, Dave Farley - the inventor of Deployment Pipelines, will share the information and techniques you need to:

  • Learn these highly-valued and much sought-after DevOps Engineering skills.
  • Learn how to build an efficient Continuous Delivery Pipeline to organise your software development efforts, to go from “idea to valuable software in the hands of users”.
  • Develop ideas about how to optimise your Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

If you are not yet familiar with Continuous Delivery fundamentals, and would like to be more confident in applying them, you can learn and practise Continuous Delivery techniques through our "Better Software Faster" course. This will give you a great platform to work from, and ensure that you get the maximum benefit from this course on Deployment Pipelines. Buy both courses together as a 'bundle' and SAVE.

Study this On-Line Course at a Pace that Works for You.

Start when you are ready.

You could complete this course in 1 day, or

Work incrementally to suit your schedule, or

Take more time to reflect and practise what you have learned, and read the reference material, between lessons. 

We do not impose an end date to your enrolment on any of the paid for courses. You can continue to revisit the lessons and exercises and refresh your learning, for as long as the course exists.

This Course Includes:

Four video lessons by Dave Farley, with accompanying detailed course notes, which cover:

~ A recap of Continuous Delivery principles and the seven essential techniques needed to implement Continuous Delivery and get the benefits of higher quality code, produced more quickly, with fewer bugs and less stress!

~ The Benefits of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and What is Included in a CD Pipeline

~ How to Build a CD Pipeline

A real world Case Study, where we look at how LMAX built a sophisticated Deployment Pipeline, using exactly the same approach described in this course, and consider what advice, tips and techniques you might take away to apply to your Pipeline for your software.

There is also a practical exercise for you to apply what you have learned, to building and enhancing your new Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

And lots of suggestions for further reading and viewing so you broaden out your knowledge of this subject.

Our Goal:

The objective of this course is to give you the knowledge and confidence to build, and use, a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that includes all steps from new code to a deployable release, including: all tests, fast feedback, automation, and the ability to deploy into production. But we don't get there all at once, we take a continuous improvement approach.

You Will Also Get:

  • A Completion Certificate 
  • A 20% discount on your next course purchase (excluding special bundle prices other special offers).
  • And
  • If you go on to study the "Anatomy of a Deployment Pipelinecourse, we will refund your original investment in the Continuous Delivery Pipelines course!!

About Your Instructor - Dave Farley:

Dave is:

  • Pioneer and expert practitioner in CD, DevOps, TDD and software development in general.
  • Author of the best-selling books on "Continuous Delivery" and "Modern Software Engineering".
  • Inventor of Deployment Pipelines 
  • Creator of the CD YouTube channel

Dave has spent 25+ years developing world class software, and is passionate about helping software developers around the world to improve the design, quality and reliability of their software, by sharing his expertise through his consultancy, YouTube channel, and training courses.

Dave has reconfigured his successful live courses, into an on-line learning format, so you can study and practise these techniques at a time and a place that fits around your busy schedule.

What People Say About Dave's Training Courses:

"Until taking this course I thought I knew what CD was all about. I thought our pipelines were encapsulating all that CD had to offer. I was wrong. In this course you'll learn what CD is really about, both the technical disciplines as well as the business and cultural implications. If you truly want to delivery value into the hands of your customers then this course is for you!"
      - Technical Lead 

“I'm still trying to process all of the knowledge but I can tell you now that it was invaluable to my professional development in DevOps! Thank you!”
      - Developer

"It has helped me to know what great looks like and come up with a plan to get there. It's well put together. The worksheets encourage doing, rather than just consuming."
      - Co. Founder

“The course made me feel energised and inspired to tackle large projects with more energy and control. It also motivated me to be optimistic about what is achievable.”
      - Developer

“The fact that Dave is one of the creators of the discipline and had successfully implemented it gives him huge credibility.”
      - Senior Developer

"As busy team lead, I found that being able to pick up the course at times that suited me and the ability to work at my own pace was a much better learning experience than travelling to a live course."
      - Software Team Lead