
Continuous Delivery is practised by many of the most successful businesses on the planet - like Amazon, Netflix, Google and Tesla. This course will teach you the Continuous Delivery techniques you need to deliver quality software into the hands of your customers more quickly.

Learn from the expert - Dave Farley shares his experience and examples from organisations who have transformed their businesses, so you can build better software faster.

You Will Learn:

  • What is involved in developing a Continuous Delivery Mindset.
  • The fourteen essential techniques to learn and apply Continuous Delivery to your work.
  • How a Deployment Pipeline can help you to implement Continuous Delivery.
  • How Continuous Delivery can transform your business.
  • Get the benefits of fewer bugs, quicker releases, less stress and quality code, and have more FUN doing it!

Study this On-Line Course at a Pace that Works for You.

With over 3 hours of video lessons, the same again in reading material and practical exercises, and recommendations for more extensive further reading and exploration, time your learning at a pace that works for you.

Start when you are ready. 

You could complete this course in about 10 hours, or

Study incrementally to suit your schedule, or
Take more time to reflect and practise what you have learned, over the following weeks to develop these skills and embed the techniques.

We do not impose an end date to your enrolment on any of the paid for courses. You can continue to revisit the lessons and exercises and refresh your learning, for as long as the course exists.

This Course Includes:

Continuous Delivery is a holistic approach that encompasses technical, organisational and cultural performance. This course covers all these aspects, and is designed to help you take it step-by-step and hone your approach over time, seeing incremental improvements to the quality and efficiency of your software.

We explore why CD is the way to develop better software faster, and is better for business. And then go through the essential elements that you need to implement CD for your software, your team and your organisation:

  • Achieve repeatability and reliability
  • Applying scientific principles 
  • The Deployment Pipeline
  • Reducing the Cycle Time
  • Automated Testing
  • Automation - Release to Production
  • Controlling the Variables
  • Working in Small Steps
  • Making Evidence-based Decisions
  • Working in Small Autonomous Teams
  • Agility in Practice

The course concludes with an on-line self-assessment tool. You have the opportunity to rate how well you are currently working with these components of Continuous Delivery - where are your strengths and weaknesses, and where could you could improve. 

You will then get a tailored report from Dave Farley offering targeted advice to help you make progress.

Video Lessons
This course is built around a series of videos by Dave Farley, which typically run for 10-20 minutes, and there are over 3 hours of video in total. So take it at your own pace.

Review Your Learning  

There are regular review exercises, with multiple choice questions, throughout the course. There is no pass/fail requirement: they are there to help you check your learning.

Information Sheets

Included in the course material are a number of Information Sheets, containing top tips, guidance and models, that you can download and use while you're working through the course and keep for future reference.


There are Worksheets to download with exercises to complete, so that you can apply these practices in your work. Each Worksheet encourages you to reflect on where you are in your current practice, what your objectives and next steps are, and how you will measure and know how well you are progressing.

You Will Also Get:

  • A Completion Certificate
  • The award-winning book - "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation" at HALF-PRICE
  • A 20% discount on your next course purchase (excluding special bundle prices other special offers).

About Your Instructor - Dave Farley:

Dave is:

  • Pioneer and expert practitioner in CD, DevOps, TDD and software development in general.
  • Author of the best-selling books on "Continuous Delivery" and "Modern Software Engineering".
  • Inventor of Deployment Pipelines 
  • Creator of the CD YouTube channel

Dave has spent 25+ years developing world class software, and is passionate about helping software developers around the world to improve the design, quality and reliability of their software, by sharing his expertise through his consultancy, YouTube channel, and training courses.

Dave has reconfigured his successful live courses, into an on-line learning format, so you can study and practise these techniques at a time and a place that fits around your busy schedule.

What People Say About This Course:

"This compelling and information-packed course was a real eye-opener. I learned a great deal [about] the creative side of software engineering... and how to do it faster and better. I can't recommend this course enough - I can't wait for the next one!"
 - Senior Engineer

Until taking this course I thought I knew what CD was all about. I thought our pipelines were encapsulating all that CD had to offer. I was wrong. In this course you'll learn what CD is really about, both the technical disciplines as well as the business and cultural implications. If you truly want to delivery value into the hands of your customers then this course is for you!”

 - Technical Lead

The course made me feel energised and inspired to tackle large projects with more energy and control. It also motivated me to be optimistic about what is achievable.”

 - Junior Developer

"It has helped me to know what great looks like and come up with a plan to get there. It's well put together.  The worksheets encourage doing, rather than just consuming."

 - Start Up Entrepreneur

Great Course for any organization. This is a great course that explains the importance of Continuous Delivery and gives instructions on how to apply it in your business. This is a course any manager should take.”

 - Senior Engineer

Great course. Great class to think through the higher level reasons for moving to CD.  With this knowledge and the statistics it will be helpful to make the case to the broader team and management”

 - Team Leader

Structured and Impactful. Really nice to hear CD presented in a structured and formal way. It's delivered in a way that the key concepts of CD are repeated throughout the videos and information sheets making it easier to consume the ideas that are being taught.”

 - Developer