How You Can Benefit from TDD

  • Fewer Bugs

    Stop wasting time fixing bugs and spend more time on new features, creating software that's valuable for your users.

  • Flexible Code

    Steer the design of your code from tests. Increase modularity, flexibility and the effectiveness of your systems.

  • Better Design

    Quickly design code that is more maintainable and more adaptable to change.


  • A better understanding of TDD and BDD, and how they combine together to improve the quality of your code.

  • The skills to write long-lasting tests that are resilient to changes in the code.

  • The knowledge to “listen to the code” and use the feedback from test creation to modify your designs for the better.

  • A 60% reduction in bugs in production.

  • More job satisfaction and time to build the software that you want to build.

  • Highly sought after Software Engineering skills that may enhance your job prospects.

  • AND MORE...

Test Driven Development WILL Work For You

If you think that TDD can't work for you because... 

  • Your code structure is too inflexible
  • You don't have time to spend writing tests
  • Your boss won't go for it

Think Again!


  • You invest time in writing tests rather wasting time debugging production systems.
  • Your code is easier to change because it is better designed.
  • You can make progress with more confidence, and break free from legacy constraints.
  • Confident teams suffer less burn-out and enjoy higher job satisfaction scores.

BUY "TDD & BDD - Design Through Testing" NOW

Transform your software development with TDD. Learn the necessary skills through world-class video training and practise examples with Dave Farley.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Preview

    2. Introduction to "TDD & BDD - Design Through Testing"

    3. My Learning Objectives

    1. Continuous Delivery Principles

    2. What is Test Driven Development?

    3. Red, Green, Refactor!

    4. Unit Testing and the Properties of Good Tests

    5. Practising Testing

    6. Demo: Getting Started with TDD - String Calculator - Step 1

    7. Exercise 1: Getting Started with TDD - String Calculator

    8. Demo: Getting Started with TDD - String Calculator - Steps 2 & 3

    9. Learning Review 1: What Have We Learned About TDD So Far?

    1. TDD and the Properties of Good Tests

    2. Information Sheet 1 - The Properties of Good Tests

    3. Three Types of Test in TDD

    4. Exercise 2: Dealing with Exceptions

    5. Demo: Dealing with Exceptions

    6. The Importance of Dependency Injection

    7. Mocking and Dependencies

    8. Exercise 3: Dependency Injection

    9. Demo: Dependency Injection

    10. More on Mocking

    11. Testing at the Edges

    12. Learning Review 2 - How to Write Great Tests

    1. BDD & The Importance of Naming

    2. The Shape of Your Tests

    3. Exercise 4 - Part 1 - How Tests Improve Design

    4. Demo: How Tests Improve Design - Part 1

    5. Exercise 4 - Part 2 - How Tests Improve Design

    6. Demo: How Tests Improve Design - Part 2

    7. Learning Review 3 - TDD & Behaviour Driven Development

    1. Modern Software Engineering - Focus on Design

    2. Common Design Problems and Their Solutions

    3. Information Sheet 2 - Fixing Common Design Problems

    4. Exercise 5 - Thinking Not Just Coding

    5. Demo: Thinking Not Just Coding (Part 1)

    6. Demo: Thinking Not Just Coding (Part 2)

    7. The Importance of Refactoring

    8. Refactoring - TDD in Legacy Systems

    9. Listening to the Code

    10. Common TDD Smells

    11. Information Sheet 3 - TDD Smells: Anti-Patterns and their Solutions

    12. Acceptance Test Driven Development

    13. TDD Top Tips

    14. Learning Review 4 - TDD & Design

    1. Congratulations!

    2. Information Sheet 4 - Course References and Useful Links

    3. My Feedback

    4. Collection of Information Sheets

About this course

  • £599.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

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