How to Use Continuous Delivery To Produce Better Software Faster

No more stressful releases or expensive delays between features

Dave Farley, pioneer and world expert in Continuous Delivery, guides you through the fourteen essential techniques that you can apply to get the benefits of Continuous Delivery for your software, your team and your business.

How fast can your team release software?

Every 11 months, 11 days or 11 seconds?

What if I told you that some of the most successful software development companies are able to do it in less than 11 seconds (more about that in a bit).

Imagine being one of the programmers on that team.
You’d be having more fun, focussed on the rewarding parts of your job like creating new, innovative features, while at the same time building software you can be proud of, instead of anxiously waiting for something to break after every release and fixing bugs.

But is that even possible?
Yes it is. Companies such as Amazon, Netflix, Tesla, Walmart, CitiBank, Volvo and Google (and many others) are able to do it all the time and that’s because they’ve implemented the Continuous Delivery framework in everything they do.
  • Software teams can produce higher quality software when progress is made in smaller, more achievable steps.

    And that’s because once you find a mistake, you fix it straight away instead of putting it on a long list that takes months of frustrating back and forth.

  • Software engineering is all about learning and getting good at learning.

    Continuous Delivery is a mechanism that allows teams to learn faster if their software is good and if their product is right for the customer.

  • Engineers enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction and less chance of burnout.

    With more work automated, engineers can work more efficiently and focus their time on delivering innovative and higher quality work rather than spend time fixing problems downstream.

The Continuous Delivery Course: Better Software Faster

Get the benefits of fewer bugs, quicker releases, less stress and quality code

Continuous Delivery is a holistic approach that encompasses technical, organisational and cultural performance. This course covers all these aspects, and is designed to help you take it step-by-step and hone your approach over time, seeing incremental improvements to the quality and efficiency of your software.

  • Understand the elements of Continuous Delivery from first principles and learn practical models that you can use to implement Continuous Delivery in your work.

  • Learn from examples of other organisations that have successfully introduced Continuous Delivery into their existing software systems.

  • Be able to build an efficient Deployment Pipeline that can turn ideas, more quickly, into great software for customers

  • Be able to assess your Continuous Delivery capability, make progress and identify next steps.

  • Add skills to your resume that will boost your career prospects and earning potential.

  • Take away a checklist to help you, and your team, to continuously improve.

What you will learn in Continuous Delivery: Better Software Faster

You’ll be guided by Dave Farley - Continuous Delivery pioneer through the through the essential elements that you need to implement CD for your software, your team and your organisation:

  • Achieve repeatability and reliability
  • Applying scientific principles
  • The Deployment Pipeline
  • Reducing the Cycle Time
  • Automated Testing
  • Automation - Release to Production
  • Controlling the Variables
  • Working in Small Steps
  • Making Evidence-based Decisions
  • Working in Small Autonomous Teams
  • Agility in Practice

So, who is this course for?

  • Developers who want to learn, or improve, their CD skills

  • Technical leads who want to adopt CD with their teams and support them in their learning

  • Colleagues and Executives who want to understand the practice and language of CD to support their dev teams

Course curriculum

    1. What You Will Get From This Course

    2. How To Use This Course

    3. My Learning Objectives

    1. Repeatable & Reliable

    2. A Science-Based Approach

    3. The Deployment Pipeline

    4. Information Sheet 1 - The Deployment Pipeline

    1. Continuous Delivery Makes Better Software Faster

    2. Continuous Delivery Makes Better Business Sense

    3. Worksheet I - Why Is Continuous Delivery Important To Me?

    4. Learning Review 1 - What Is Continuous Delivery?

    5. Discussion: Benefits of Continuous Delivery For You

    1. CD Is A Holistic Approach - So Where Do We Start?

    2. Reduce The Cycle-Time

    3. Worksheet 2 - What Is My Cycle Time?

    4. Automated Testing: Commit to Acceptance

    5. Automation: Release into Production

    6. Information Sheet 2: Deployment Pipeline - Automation & Testing

    7. Control The Variables

    8. Learning Review 2 - The Deployment Pipeline

    9. Worksheet 3 - Automating The Pipeline

    10. Discussion - Fast Feedback

    11. Work In Small Steps

    12. Make Evidence-Based Decisions

    13. Information Sheet 3 - Working Experimentally

    14. Work In Small Autonomous Teams

    15. Agility in Practice

    16. Information Sheet 4 - Autonomous Teams

    17. Worksheet 4 - Inspect & Adapt

    18. Learning Review 3 - Working Experimentally & Incrementally

    19. Discussion - Continuous Delivery: Ways of Working

    20. Information Sheet 5 - Keep Asking Questions

    1. The 14 Practices of Continuous Delivery

    2. How Good is Your CD Practice?

    3. CD Assessment and Advice from Dave Farley

    1. Congratulations! Here's what's next...

    2. Your Feedback on this Course

    3. References and Links

    4. Collection of Course Documents

About this course

  • £399.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

People think that Continuous Delivery takes years to learn.

Adopting Continuous Delivery involves new ways of working, and thinking about your work differently. But the good news is that once you begin, you’ll start to deploy software quicker, safer, and with less stress.

Interested in a Group Booking?

Our "Continuous Delivery: Better Software Faster" course is available to book for a Team, or Group of students.

Contact Us -  [email protected]  
to discuss Your Requirements and Get a Quote.

What our students are saying

Fantastic for Beginners and Experienced Engineers

Craig Tait

“Better Software Faster delivered. Fantastic for beginner and even experienced software engineers and managers. The clarity of content and subject level are well thought through and presentation is perfect.”

Learn What CD is Really About

Jacob Hodges

"Until taking this course I thought I knew what CD was all about. I thought our pipelines were encapsulating all that CD had to offer. I was wrong. In this course you'll learn what CD is really about, both the technical disciplines as well as the business and cultural implications. If you truly want to deliver value into the hands of your customers then this course is for you!"

Great Course for Any Organization.

Markus Klause

“This is a great course that explains the importance of Continuous Delivery and gives instructions on how to apply it in your business. This is a course any manager should take.”

Information Packed

Senior Engineer

"This compelling and information-packed course was a real eye-opener. I learned a great deal [about] the creative side of software engineering... and how to do it faster and better. I can't recommend this course enough - I can't wait for the next one!"

Energised and Inspired

Junior Developer

"The course made me feel energised and inspired to tackle large projects with more energy and control. It also motivated me to be optimistic about what is achievable."

What Great Looks Like

Start Up Entrepreneur

"It has helped me to know what great looks like and come up with a plan to get there. It's well put together. The worksheets encourage doing, rather than just consuming."

Structured and Impactful

Rupesh Vekaria

“Really nice to hear CD presented in a structured and formal way. It's delivered in a way that the key concepts of CD are repeated throughout the videos and information sheets making it easier to consume the ideas that are being taught.”

Learn Continuous Delivery from the Expert

Meet Dave Farley - Continuous Delivery Pioneer

In 2010, Dave co-authored THE BOOK. You might have heard about it.

The award-winning “Continuous Delivery” book revolutionised the world of software engineering.

He brings 40 years of software development experience and consultancy to the table with just one goal in mind: to push the limits of software engineering.

Through his courses, YouTube videos and books, Dave has inspired and helped millions of software engineers develop better software faster without tearing their hair out over mundane tasks.

Continuous Delivery

Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation" is a highly influential book in the field of software development.

Published in 2010, it was co-written by Jez Humble and David Farley and played a significant role in changing the way software development is approached and carried out.

The book covers a range of topics, including:

  • Automation of the build, deployment, and testing process.
  • Improving collaboration between developers, testers, and operations.
  • Implementing continuous integration to reduce risk.
  • Reducing lead times and reliably releasing valuable software.
  • It provides a detailed examination of each stage of the delivery process and offers specific techniques to improve that process.

This book is a must-read for professionals in the field who are interested in implementing Continuous Delivery principles and practices in their projects or organizations.

Continuous Delivery makes it possible to deliver quality code, launch more frequently and experience stress-free releases

DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) - an independent, academically rigorous investigation into the practices and capabilities that drive high performance, identified 5 major benefits to implementing Continuous Delivery:

  1. Improves software delivery performance, measured in terms of:
    • Deployment Frequency - How often an organization successfully releases to production. 
    • Lead Time - The amount of time it takes a change to get into production.
    • Change Failure Rate - The percentage of deployments causing a failure in production.
    • Mean Time to Recover - How long it takes an organization to recover from a failure in production
  2. Leads to higher levels of quality by leveraging automation for repetitive tasks or tasks we can parallelize and release engineers from working on low-value tasks.
    With more work automated, engineers can work more efficiently and focus their time on delivering innovative and higher quality work rather than spend time fixing problems downstream.
  3. Lowers team burnout (physical, mental or emotional due to overwork or stress) by reducing manual work (thanks to automating for repetitive tasks), receiving instant feedback and being able to release software faster without worrying about fatal errors in their code.
  4. Improves job satisfaction levels by allowing employees to see the results of their efforts instantaneously thanks to frequent releases and breaking down their scope of work into smaller, more manageable and easy to fix milestones.
  5. Reduces deployment time and makes software releases less stressful on your team. Rather than always being on call to correct problems, remediate issues and respond to defects, you and your team can focus on doing more meaningful work.